PV-Photovoltaik Styria GmbH
Fokussiert auf die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von netzfernen Solarstromlösungen, vormontierten PV-Kraftwerken für die ländliche Elektrifizierung, off-grid Kleinwirtschaft, u.a., sowie innovative E-Fahrzeugkonzepten.
Focused on designing and providing remote (off-grid) solar power solutions, pre-assembled PV power stations for rural electrification and off-grid micro-industry, and innovative e-vehicles concepts.
Die Vision
Our vision is to create a solid basis to save and supply energy to regions in urgent need of reliable energy solutions whilst helping to build technologies which are of direct benefit to the growing population coming out of poverty within the next decades.
We advocate a sustainable new world civilization. Sustainability means to enable the earth to continue supporting human life as we know it.
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Registrieren AnmeldenStadt oder Adresse
PV-Photovoltaik Styria GmbHNeubaugasse 55, 8020 Graz, Austria
Tel: +43 64 2233449
Styria GmbH
55 | AT 8020 Graz
Co. Reg.
No. FN 343482x, Landesgericht
f. ZRS Graz
VAT Reg.
No. ATU65728518
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