Long Yang e.V.
Gemeinnütziger Verein
The main aim of Long Yang e.V. is to establish the Akasha Academy, following the vision of The White Lama Tulku Khyungdor Rinpoche to preserve and apply the universal principles of wisdom and compassion rooted in original Buddhism for the future of our planet.
Through unique education programs, Akasha Academy creates conditions for Freedom of Choice, supporting especially young people to find their path in life and to be prepared for the challenges of a globalized world.

Die Vision
Akasha Academy is a global institute of integrated education that brings people from different cultures, religions, nationalities and social backgrounds together to work for the same purpose – to create pathways for the future of humanity and bring about a positive change in the world.
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Long Yang e.V.Stöberlstraße 68, 80686 München, Deutschland
Tel: +49 8995406115
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Lindenfeld - Agentur für nachhaltige Kommunikation
Kreative Nordlichter e.V
Mikro Landwirtschaft - gemeinschaftlicher Gemüseanbau e. V.
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Dienstleister:innen aus dem Changemaker Marktplatz
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