leonardo. impact GmbH
We are empowering organisations to solve the world’s most pressing problems by making meaningful impact data accessible!
Why Leonardo?
Today, humanity is standing in front of one of the biggest challenges of all time: Creating a sustainable future.
We believe that the missing piece is reliable data so the right decisions can be made by investors, customers and authorities. In founding this company, we knew the solution needed to have a combination of all of DaVinci's attributes: Science, Engineering and Art.
We are human-centered tech startup with the ambition to support social and purpose-driven organisations to measure impact confidently
With our innovative Impact Management Platform we capture the voices of people and the planet using leonardo’s Deep Impact Intelligence.

Die Vision
Empowering businesses to solve the world’s most pressing problems
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Mollys sustainable life e.V.
kiwifalter GmbH
Dienstleister:innen aus dem Changemaker Marktplatz
Guten Morgen Agency (Tageszeiten Marketing GmbH)
Raute Film