Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
HS / Wissenschaftl. Einrichtung
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies ist ein akademisches Feld und ein globales Netzwerk von Menschen, die mehr Menschenwürde in die Welt bringen möchten.

Die Vision
HumanDHS is a transdisciplinary academic field and a global network and collaborative community of concerned scholars, researchers, educators, practitioners, creative artists, and others. We wish to stimulate systemic change, globally and locally, to open space for dignity, mutual respect, and esteem to take root and grow. Our goal is to foster healing from cycles of humiliation throughout the world, ending systemic humiliation and humiliating practices, and preventing new ones from arising. We wish to open space for feelings of humiliation to be transformed into action that dignifies the lives of all people and replenishes our planet. We suggest that a frame of cooperation and shared humility is needed — rather than a mindset of humiliation — if we wish to build a better world, a world of equal dignity for all.
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Registrieren AnmeldenStadt oder Adresse
Human Dignity and Humiliation StudiesHamburg, Germany, Oslo, Norway, New York, USA
Organisationen in unserem Netzwerk
Hamburger Allianz für Social Entrepreneurship e.V.
Institut Bildung, Innovation, Digitalisierung
German Coworking Federation e.V. Bundesverband Coworking Deutschland
Solidarische Unternehmen Oberbayern
Dienstleister:innen aus dem Changemaker Marktplatz
Radikale Töchter gUG
Sustaineurs | we do impact