Global Shapers Munich e.V.
Gemeinnütziger Verein
The Global Shapers Munich is an international community of young people committed to improving the state of the world by solving challenges in Munich. We embrace cross-domain collaboration, and we strive to create value by implementing those opportunities for the betterment of our community.
We embrace cross-domain collaboration, and we strive to create value by implementing those opportunities for the betterment of our community.

Die Vision
The Global Shapers Munich is an international community of young people committed to improving the state of the world by solving challenges in Munich. We embrace cross-domain collaboration, and we strive to create value by implementing those opportunities for the betterment of our community.
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Registrieren AnmeldenStadt oder Adresse
Global Shapers Munich e.V.Munich, Germany
Tel: +49 1523 4532868
Organisationen in unserem Netzwerk
AWP - association for wildlife protection e.V. Nachhaltiges Webdesign
KinderHelden gGmbH
Dienstleister:innen aus dem Changemaker Marktplatz
Good Profits GmbH
Alina Klisch - Systemisches Coaching & Queere Bildung