Eleven Lab Design Services
Somos una consultoría de diseño estratégico que evalúa, diseña y desarrolla servicios y productos digitales que resuelven necesidades y problemas reales dentro de cualquier tipo de empresa. Lo que tienen en común una startup joven y una empresa consolidada es la necesidad de prosperar y seguir avanzando. Como diseñadores estratégicos, Eleven Lab te ayuda a detectar obstáculos y a validar y construir soluciones para mejorar tu competitividad en el mercado.

Die Vision
We don't believe in labels but we do believe in change. The change that is born from people, from their nonconformity and their willingness to rethink what does not work, what can be for the better. From that same spirit, Eleven Lab was born, a design consultancy with the soul of a laboratory —or vice versa— that applies the methodologies of the great leading companies in innovation to a format marked by agility, customization and the search for impact. We are committed to projects with transformative capacity and with a view to a more balanced and sustainable future. Because today having principles is the only way, we let ours speak for us.
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Registrieren AnmeldenStadt oder Adresse
Eleven Lab Design ServicesMadrid, España
Tel: +34677048454
Organisationen in unserem Netzwerk
SuperCoop Berlin eG
Plurale Ökonomik TU Berlin
Dienstleister:innen aus dem Changemaker Marktplatz
ASK - Agentur für Schaffenskraft
Crowdfunding Academy von Shai Hoffmann
Insight Impact