Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship: Zero Poverty
Kampagne / Aktion
Welchem gesellschaftlichem/ökologischem oder sozialem Problem nimmt sich die Kampagne/die Aktion an?
Was ist dein/euer Lösungsansatz?
Aufzeigen von Strategien und Best Practice Besispieln zum Erreichen des Ziels "Keine Armut"
Wie wird sie umgesetzt?
Online Workshops im Rahmen des Start-up Schleswig-Holstein Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship Programms
An welche Zielgruppe(n) ist es gerichtet?
Für alle (auf Fachfremde), Changemaker, Policymaker
Wo wirkt die Kampagne/Aktion?
Kiel, Deutschland

Status: 3. In der Durchführung
Wie kann man sich beteiligen?
Anmeldung zur kostenlosen Workshopteilnahme:
Die Vision
Keine Armut: wohlhabende Communities, Gleichberechtigung und nachhaltiger Wandel
Jetzt KOSTENLOS anmelden! Workshop Money and Beyond - how to produce local wealth
Speaker: Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson
Time: Tuesday, 01.02.2021 from 12:30 – 13:30h
Place: Online via Zoom
Language: English
wealth means more than economic prosperity in cities. By adding social
value to public procurement practices, money recirculates among
empowered and collaborative communities, labour opportunities and
conditions are improved, and the carbon footprint would be reduced. What
strategies could be adopted to reach these outcomes? This workshop will
revise key activities, tools and actors for understanding strategic
procurement as an opportunity for the generation of local wealth rather
than a technical bureaucratic process based mainly on monetary criteria.
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson is an expert on strategic procurement with more than 12 years of experience in the field. He is currently an independent policy advisor, chair of the Greater Manchester Social Value Network (GMSVN) and representative of URBACT in the EU Urban Agenda Partnership on Responsible and Innovative Public Procurement. He is also a former Deputy Chief Executive of the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) and helped to devise the Community Wealth Building agenda in the United Kingdom context.
Register via this link: https://eveeno.com/money-and-beyond
Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship
Inputgeber:in gesucht: Unternhmen, das Mitarbeitende nach sozialen Kriterien auswählt
Für unseren Workshop zu "Money and beyond – how to produce local wealth" am 01.02.22 suchen wir ein Unternehmen, das Mitarbeitende nach sozialen Kriterien auswählt und somit einen Mehrwert für die Community schafft. Für Tipps und Empfehlungen sind wir dankbar!
Für das (kostenlose) Event anmelden könnt ihr euch hier: https://eveeno.com/money-and-beyond
Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship
FREE Workshop Cooperation – the key for economic transformation
Speaker: Dr. Fiona Duguid and Laura Zöckler
Time: Tuesday, 18.01.2022 from 12:30 – 14:00h
Place: Online via Zoom
Language: English
collaboration, cooperation, co-production - four “co”-words that drive
transformation. As opposed to the traditional economic model, strategies
involving plural ownership and cooperatives lead to alternative ways
for generating shared wealth. What is required for this type of economic
transformation? How can cooperative models address current challenges
for a sustainable future? By discussing theoretical and practical
matters, this workshop offers a look into the forms of organization,
strategies, and stakeholders necessary for building community-based
solutions in a present that demands climate and economic justice.
Register here: https://eveeno.com/cooperation-economic-transformation
Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship
FREE Community Wealth Building Workshop!
Meldet euch kostenlos an und seid dabei :) Die Veranstaltung wird online und auf Englisch abgehalten: Dienstag, 30.11., 12:30-16:30
Global challenges can be withstood and resisted by strong empowered communities. As an alternative to the dominant economic model, Community Wealth Building seeks to hold, share and democratize wealth within local contexts. What strategies and practical tools underpin this approach? This workshop offers a general understanding of the approach, as well as a review of successful examples in the United Kingdom.
Our input givers Eleanor Radcliffe and Oliver Seabarron work at the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES). Based on the United Kingdom, CLES is a think and do tank that works for progressing economic interventions and ideas that lead to social justice and effective public services. Their experience in the implementation of Community Wealth Building strategies can be inspiring for other places that want to alleviate poverty thinking „out of the box“!
Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship
Wer steht hinter der Aktion / Kampagne?
Aktionen / Kampagnen in unserem Netzwerk
Community "gut genug leben"