Ricardo Ramos
Vergangene Tätigkeiten
HV/HK Qrfvtare @Fjbtb, Fravbe Qvtvgny Qrfvtare @Tbyvngu Qvtvgny Fghqvb, Zhygvzrqvn Grnpure
UI/UX Design
Visual Design
Graphic Design
Web Design
Artistic Background (sculpture, painting, and drawing)
Digital illustrations
Specialties: Creative process, Methodology implementation, Graphic Composition, UI layout development.
Auf der Suche nach:
I'm looking for businesses that need a Product Designer.
Ein Team/Impact Startup um als Gründer:in einzusteigen.
I'm open to a job opportunity at a Seed or Series A Startup or a later stage.
Someone that can help me figure the business side of my creative business and help internationalize it.
neue Partner und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten.
If your business is only made out of developers and business people, I'm the right partner. My experience in User-Centered Design in UI/UX can help elevate the product or service you are creating.
If you are beginning your career as a Designer or if you need a Designer to take a look at your work.
ehrenamtliche Unterstützung
Designing Apps, Websites, and Marketing material.
Nur für registrierte Nutzer:innen.
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