I am a UX/UI Designer of Sound and I can help you to make your product even better. Helping you to make the right decisions to create a seamless and user-centric product will impact your user satisfaction and your conversion rate, making your business grow visibly. In my past role as a sound designer in the automotive industry, I worked on super secret prototypes, creating sound concepts and prototypes with my team and implemented them in line-production. My responsibilities went from lead sound design, implementation of the final concepts on production plants to sound consultancy for major automotive brands. My skills include: User Research (Competitor Analysis, User Interviews, Data Analysis) User Personas User Flows Style guides Soundconcepting and development Sonic branding UX Sounddesign Prototyping Figma, Sketch Nuendo Ableton Live Pro Tools Izotope RX If you think my skills and experience sound interesting for you and your business feel free to reach out. Want to learn more? On my website www.paul-louis.design you can get to examples of my work. Happy to hear from you!
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Ich suche Partner die Unterstützung im Bereich UX Design und Sound Branding benötigen und diese Potenziale zusammen mit mir ausbauen wollen.
UX Design und Sound Branding/ Marketing
ehrenamtliche Unterstützung
UX Design und Sound Branding/ Marketing
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