
🚀 Short version

I am passionate about natural hazards, Earth observation, climate, data science, open data, low-cost technology, human rights & tech ethics. Yep, I have lots of interests. Oh wait, one more thing to know: I love rough weather!

👨‍💻 Technologist, with focus on exploring and defending Earth and society.
🔬 Studying Earth Science at The Open University.
🛰 Democratize satellite data with OpenSpaceData.org.
🌋 Founder of DisasterTech, a community that help people in crisis situations.
🎙 Hosting the Hotspot Podcast about natural hazards.
🌳 Writing a monthly newsletter about People, Planet & Technology.

📚 Long version

Find the long version here: https://www.niklasjordan.com/about

🔭 Elsewhere

Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | GitHub

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