Anna Brown (sie / ihr)
Ausbildung / Abschluss
Qrfvtayno HK Npnqrzl
Vergangene Tätigkeiten
HK/HV Qrfvtare @Rzcngvpb.bet, Serrynapr HK/HV Qrfvtare @OebPb Cebqhpgf, HK/HV Qrfvta Vagrea @Onpxebbz Fbpvny Pyho
My name is Anna 👋 I live in Berlin and am looking for freelance opportunities as a UX/UI designer.
Auf der Suche nach:
I'm a human-centered UX/UI designer looking to apply my knowledge to freelance projects focusing on circular economy, cross-cultural communication, community-building and mental health.
Ein Team/Impact Startup um als Gründer:in einzusteigen.
I am interested in joining a team as a founding UX/UI designer. I have a strong aesthetic sense, enjoy the nuances of collaboration and am able to work resourcefully and with curiosity.
I am a mid-level designer looking for a design mentor to advise me on freelancing, finding clients and aligning my career path with my personal values of sustainability and equality.
ehrenamtliche Unterstützung
I can provide heuristic evaluations of websites and apps, I can offer tips on how to get the most out of UX research and can offer visual design/aesthetic advice.
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